- 檢驗篩您現在所在的位置: 首頁(yè) > 檢驗篩
類(lèi) 別: 檢驗篩
描 述: 200試驗篩 200試驗篩廣泛應用于實(shí)驗室、質(zhì)檢室等檢驗部門(mén)進(jìn)行顆粒、粉類(lèi)物料粒度分布測定,產(chǎn)品雜質(zhì)含量,液體固形物含量的測定分析。產(chǎn)品結構緊湊、噪音低、效率高、精度準確等特點(diǎn)突出,采用**新型動(dòng)力發(fā)生器,產(chǎn)生多元高頻振動(dòng),對物料進(jìn)行高效篩選、測定。同時(shí)可根據不同物料來(lái)通過(guò)電子延時(shí)器實(shí)現不同的
testing sieve is made for the purpose of particles size distribution measurement, the determination of impurity content or solid content in liquid, which are extensively used in scientific laboratories and quality inspection departments. Our product has many features: tight structure, low noise, high efficiency, and high precision degree etc. In production process, we adopt well-qualified new type of energy generator generating multi-dimensions high frequent vibration to ensure high-efficient sieving and determination. According to different materials features, customers can set different working time by adjusting electric time controller so that the analysis errors could be reduced to minimum and therefore guarantee analysis results unanimous.
Technical Parameters
序號Number | 名稱(chēng)Name | 單位 unit | 數據 data |
1 | 層數 Layers | 層layer | 1-8 |
2 | 直徑Diameter | mm | Φ200 |
3 | 篩分粒度Granularity | mm | 0.038-3 |
4 | 噪音Noise | dB | ≤50 |
5 | 一次投料量 Feeding capacity (once) | g | ≤200 |
6 | 振幅Amplitude | mm | ≤5 |
7 | 電壓Voltage | v | 220/380 |
8 | 轉速Speed | r/min | 1420 |
9 | 功率Power | Kw | 0.125 |
10 | 外形尺寸Overall dimension | mm | 360×300×736 |
11 | 整機重量 weight | Kg | 25 |
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